Saturday, January 12, 2013

January is here (January 7-11, 2013)

This week in Reception 1, we talked about the New Year (HAPPY NEW YEAR!), January, and the letter "J".

In math, the Tigers did their first addition problems, and the Horses played the shape bingo game, then walked around the school looking for shapes they saw in the game. In science with Mr. Bernard, the kids learned about how oxygen (air) feeds fire.

On Monday morning, we blew on noisemakers and threw streamers!


We also made new birthday cakes to hang up,
with candles for how many years old we'll be in 2013.
Mika will be 5 in March!

We color together in peace.
We worked on the letter J for January...

and J for Joshua...
who was also Calendar Keeper this week.

We colored our Chinese New Year animals,
the rat (2008) and the ox (2009).

Hugo's rat matches his new cap.

This week's Weather Watcher is cool as a cucumber!

The Tigers were split into two groups,
and they made some J words.
The more advanced Tigers were given the
lower case letters with which to work.
Some words required a bit of help,
but the kids were making lots of "juh juh juh"
sounds to try to invent new words.
a common German word...

Joshua told his group how to spell out his name,
with upper case letters.
Ms. Kristina wrote some words on the board,
and the Tigers found the letters to make those words.

Ms. Kristina's favorite J word: "JOY"

This week in Spanish, Ms. Melek brought in number
cards with lots of different animals, and ice cream cone
manipulatives to teach colors and shapes.
We got to choose ice cream colors and flavors,
and we practiced saying Numbers 1-10 and 1-20.
We also did a lot of listening and repeating!
We count in Spanish with Ms. Melek

Devi makes a chocolate ice cream cone with brown, or café

Singing "Pio Pio Pio" and doing the hand motions, too!

We love singing this song en español!

Mr. Bernard talked about India, and we made pictures of ourselves
after talking about how different we all are. We love learning German!

Allegra has her hair color right!
 Alessandra gives herself darker skin

Jacob sees himself as having a more orangey pallor,
with hair that sticks straight up
Lani works hard on her self-portrait

We love to color, and we're good at it, too!

This week, we talked about the country of India -- where Navneeth's parents,
Devi's mom, and the game of chess (among many other things)
came from -- and we were honored to have Navneeth's dad
Kiran talk about his country on Friday.
He brought pictures to share...

 of a houseboat -- a common type of home in India --
where you can fish, cook and eat all in one place! and...

a picture of the beautiful Taj Mahal, built out of love.
Commentary from Alessio regarding India

Mr. Kumar also read a book about building and what is involved.
We learned a lot. Thanks, Mr. Kumar!
Driving with Mr. Bernard

Getting ready to sliiiiiide

We love to play

and swing

Who is this child?

A very serious Gavrusha

Our friend Allegra

Jacob rules the roost!

Navneeth likes to ride the trike

And, sometimes, Greta likes to yell as loud as she can!

Reading together

Challenging ourselves

Having no fear

and loving it!

Winter is here!

But we still play outside

and swing through the air

Morning Assembly
Checking out Mr. Bentgens' accordion

Crazy faces

Alessio's Bronze Award
 Such a proud boy, and such a proud moment!

Mama's proud, too!

Extreme closeup... who am I?

We all have beautiful faces!


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