Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter and W (January 14-18, 2013)

This week in Reception 1 we talked about seasons of the year, the season of winter, and we learned more about the letter "W". We play-acted winter sports and activities, such as having snowball fights, playing ice hockey, and being reindeer in the snow. We also colored and cut out our bodies as ice skaters or snowboarders and added our faces to decorate the wall outside our classroom. On Friday, we added more "snow" to our classroom tree on the window. Some of us went outside to look for things with which we could decorate our new snowman, Fonzie.  In culture, we talked about north, south, east and west, and northern and southern hemispheres. Mr. Bernard showed us the Äquator, and we had a guest speaker from Australia -- Sophie from 1st Grade -- to tell us about her holidays down under. In math, we sorted lots of different things, like rubber duckies, balls, Lincoln Logs, and Schlümpfe. It was a very busy week, and we learned a lot.

Cody writes the word "winter" all by herself!
We learned that when it is winter in Germany, it is summer in other places.
We learned about the poles, northern and southern
hemispheres, and the equator, with Mr. Bernard in German

Joshua points to the equator

Sophie told us about a different part of the world: the continent of Australia.
(Sophie has a nice golden glow from her holidays in her home country.)

Thanks for telling us about Australia, Sophie!
Allegra pretends to be a reindeer in the snow
Jacob shows us imaginary sledding
 It's winter in Germany, with fresh snow!
We tried to catch snowflakes on our tongues.
Our hair holds more snowflakes than our tongues
Sometimes we like to scream as loud as we can!
(Big people do it, too)
Greta found and peeled a chestnut -- NOT EDIBLE!
Questi non sono maroni!
Playing in the tree
What a Wonderful World!
 Greta colors her W for "witch"
When We Work hard together as a class during cleanup time or anytime,
and We have hardly any names on the board during the day, We put a marshmallow in the cup!
When We fill our cup with marshmallows, We Will get a Winter hot chocolate party!
Allegra glues her ice skater together

Lani holds up her ice skater's body

My head Will go here!

Max can write W: one line down, one line up.
One line down, one line up! (We draw Ws in the air, too!)

Allegra's beautiful W!
Some Sesame Street "W" Videos to Watch with your children:
Larry King interviews the Letter W:
Kermit talks about the Letter W:
Willamina's favorite letter:
And We Watched this one for fun:
Miss Jolian is dressed for Winter 

Counting heads 

 Talking about sorting by shape, type and color
Sorting Lincoln Logs

The Tigers sorted so quickly, into so many different groups,
without any help from the teacher!!

Jacob had long pieces

Mika had short pieces

Lani had long pieces with niches on one side;
Joshua had the shortest pieces and turned them sideways
Making the ever-so-famous
Fonzie the Snowman

First we stretched cotton balls, then we glued them onto
different pieces for the body of our snowman.

More glue, please!


Then a few of us went outside (while others napped or stayed inside),
and we looked for things to decorate our snowman with.

Gangsters and graffiti
(maybe we'll talk about these when we do the Letter "G")
 Putting the finishing touches on our snowman...
We found bottle caps for buttons, rubber tubing for hair,
a plastic cap for a hat, and berries for a mouth.

Then we voted on names. "Frosty" was eliminated, because it is simply
too commonplace for our classroom.
Out of 8 other names, Fonzie won!


Some big kids also got their photo
taken with the famous Fonzie!
Saying colors auf Deutsch

Reading together

Reading alone

 Working together with Ms. Krisztina


Being gorillas

Playing Duck, Duck Goose

Fastest goose in class 


Bemoaning the theft of a foam triangle roof


Refusing to wake up

Still refusing to wake up

Getting our C.A.R.E. awards 
Finn's first award, for achievement in coloring and other
tasks he recently accomplished

Mr. Bentgens and Cody won the Best Socks Contest Friday

"The Italians invented song," said Mr. Bentgens, and
Greta shows us how to cantare con passione.

Mika sings with passion as well.

We like to sing solos

Greta's new boots

Ready to play outside

 Enjoying winter
Enjoying winter inside, too

Watering our classroom plants

And our terrarium



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