Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 17-21 (3rd Week of School)

Wow! We are already more than halfway through September; autumn is almost here!

This week in Reception 1, we talked about FAMILY. We learned a new song called "My Family and ME!" which is easy to sing and fun to watch:

We drew pictures of our families, and we watched slideshows of family photos. We made our own family trees, with the photos sent by our parents. Some of us also drew our family members on our trees. 

To start thinking about families,
we talk about who comes to our birthday parties.

When we have a birthday party, our family and friends come.
Jacob colors the different family members at Miguel's birthday party. 

                               Who is the boy
                                               behind that family tree?
Devi had a family tree with LOTS of writing. Good job, Devi!
Lucie had many family photos to
share with her classmates!
Finn thinks he needs to add
more people to his family tree. 
Cody said, "I'm learning!"
Joshua's family tree is tall!
We are also all a part of the Reception 1 family, and we have a new Family Apple Tree in our classroom with our pictures on it! Watch the tree throughout the year, to see how it changes with the seasons. Thank you to Ms. Fathema for making such a lovely tree.
 Ms. Kristina is very grateful to have Ms. Jolian and Ms. Fathema in the classroom to help decorate and keep our room so nice and kid-friendly. Reception 1 children are lucky to have them as well!
Miss Jolian makes labels for the shelves in our room
Every afternoon, Ms. Kristina reads a chapter from Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White.  We listen to the book right after lunch recess. Sometimes we do activities based on what happens in the book. This week, we drew some of the animals that live on the farm.
 Devi and Alessandra drew Charlottes (spiders)
 Hugo drew pigs, and a mommy pig, too.
We also wrote words Charlotte spelled in her web. Ms. Kristina wrote them on the board, and we copied them. Ms. Kristina was soooooo happy with how well we did!  


When we are done with the book after only 10 more chapters (we have read 13 already!), we will watch the film (starring Dakota Fanning as Fern and Julia Roberts as Charlotte).

Other Fun Stuff
We do lots of different things throughout the week, in addition to
singing songs, learning, playing, resting, and smiling.
We have quiet reading time
every day after morning snack.
Sometimes we read alone...
and sometimes we share books with friends.
Sharing is a very important thing to do in a classroom with 16 children!
 It is also very important to listen to each other,
and to our teachers.
 Lucie counted to three on her fingers,
to start us off singing! Yay, Lucie!
 Greta pretends to be a sleeping rabbit for
Mr. Steinkamp's Häschen song and game.
We're making life-size replicas of
ourselves with Mr. Steinkamp! 
 Alessandra has no trouble spelling her very long name!
 Lani always writes her name
on everything... Good girl!

This week, we went to a corn maze at the Hegehof Farm on Friday, so we did some mazes in the classroom, just for practice.


Next week, we will be talking about fall and the changing seasons, as well as emergencies. On Thursday, we will be going to the Viernheim Volunteer Fire Department.

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